Mohawk – Tools for the aeronautics industry

Mohawk is an Irish company that has been specializing for more than 40 years in the manufacturing of drill bits, reamers, and various other types of cutting tools in high speed steel (HSS) and carbide for the aeronautics and aerospace industry. The precision of Mohawk tools, guaranteed within the 0.002mm (0.0001″) per diameter, the quality materials used, the run-out content below 0.005mm (0.00015″), allow optimizing machining and eliminating finishing and boring operations. Thanks to Mohawk tools, it is possible to obtain perfect “one-shot” holes up to 9.525mm diameter (.375″). All these elements guarantee CpK values ​​ (Process capability index) well above 5.2 with incredible repeatability and consistency.

The increasingly widespread use, in the manufacturing of aircraft and not only, of advanced materials such as FRP (polymer matrix fibre-reinforced materials or fibre reinforced) – the most used which include CFRP (carbon fibre), GFRP (Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer) or, in Italian, PRFV (Polyester Reinforced with Glass Fibre) and AFRP (Aramidic Fibre Reinforced Polymer) also known as Kevlar – composite materials, light alloys and sandwiches such as MC  Metallic Matrix Composites in aluminium, Titanium or Magnesium and related alloys – pushes manufacturers of cutting tools to research new technological opportunities.

The company's goal is to ensure the highest quality that modern technology of cutting tools can offer, fast and professional service and assistance and express deliveries. The tools are developed, designed and manufactured based on the customer's specific needs. However, there is also a large stock of toolsthat have been standardized, thanks to the high numbers of customers around the world and the uniformity of specifications in the field of aeronautics.

Among the many types of tools manufactured, we recall reamers, boring bits, “Spacematic” and “Drivematic” boring bits for the machining of aeronautical components that are too large or complex for machining in a machine tool, “one-shot” lance bits, counterbores and countersinks with removable or fixed pilot guide, angled drill bits, reamers-countersinks, counterbore bits, countersink tips, boring-countersink bits, BITS FOR “NUTPLATE”, bits with threaded shank, conical reamers, special tools for landing gear, braze-welded tools, tools for Hand Held Positive Feed Power Tools. There are as many as 16 types of sharpening heads so as to always have the best results for each application and various types of shanks such as…

A few examples of aircraft components that can be machined with Mohawk tools include: nacelle components to be riveted, landing gear, flap guide, seats, wing spar, aircraft engines, engine mount, bladed discs, hub, engine casing and many others. The manufacturing of cells includes for example the machining of ribs, veins, spars and bulkheads in which Mohawk tools for aeronautics excel. These products are therefore suitable for the manufacturing of aeronautical parts and the companies that perform maintenance and repair of airplanes, helicopters or other aircraft, and in general all operations of “aerospace MRO”.

The company has also launched its 15-day Guaranteed Delivery Program on a wide range of special products to always be ready to meet the needs of customers even when delivery times are very stringent.

Download  Mohawk Catalogue – Tools for aeronautics ENG

Download  Mohawk Catalogue – Tools for aeronautics ITA


Mechanical applications

  • Reamers micro-adjustable (expandable) multi-cutting in carbide, PCD/PKD or Cermet
  • Reamers blade-plate (with drive plates) in carbide or PCD (Polycrystalline Diamond or PKD)
  • Solid carbide reamers
  • Reamers braze-welded with plates in carbide, PCD/PKD and Cermet
  • Reamers in high-speed steel (HSS and HSS-Co in cobalt)
  • Reamers in PCD
  • Reamers for aeronautics
  • Reamers special with multi-diameter design
  • Reamers standard in catalogue ready in stock
  • Reamers conical

  • Bits in solid carbide special (specially designed)
  • Bits in solid carbide standard in catalogue
  • Solid carbide bits with coolant holes for internal lubrication
  • Carbide step drill bits with several diameters
  • Bits in PCD (Polycrystalline Diamond or PKD)
  • Center bits in widia and HSS
  • Carbide drill bits coated
  • Bits in tungsten carbide and profile HSS
  • Bits in high-speed steel (HSS and HSS-Co in cobalt)
  • Counterborers
  • Boring cutters in PCD for composite materials dedicated to aeronautics (aviation industry)
  • Bits for aeronautics
  • Extra-long bits
  • Micro-bits
  • Cutters in solid carbide special (specially designed) or from catalogue
  • Shaped cutters in solid micro-grain carbide
  • Cutters in PCD (Polycrystalline Diamond or PKD)
  • Cutters in high-speed steel (HSS and HSS-Co in cobalt)
  • Cutters in carbide and profile HSS
  • Cutters for aeronautics
  • Boring cutters in PCD for composite materials dedicated to aeronautics (aviation industry)
  • Cutters for composite materials
  • Carbide cutters for Titanium, super alloys and advanced materials
  • Cutters for mould makers
  • High-performance cutters